The Lower Merion-area Baby-Sitting Coop - of which weve been members for several years - has openings available this Fall. In existence since 1979, The Coop is very well-run and membership opportunities occur via word-of-mouth and our based upon existing relationships with current Coop Members, such as Heather and myself.
Given the Kevin Bacon-esque nature of Philadelphia and concentration of current member families in Lower Merion school district, it's entirely possible a connection already exists. To help discover current friends and future members, the coop will host an open house in early November in Merion.
Contact me via to explore if a connection exists or if you would like to know more.
For now, Here's the basics:
New Members are interviewed upon recommendation/sponsorship of current members.
Babysitting requests are posted and filled via streamlined email system and members exchange "points/Credits" in exchange for sitting duties. Members have flexibility regarding level of participation.
In addition to providing a network of vetted and reliable parents available to swap sitting services, the Coop offers a community element, with members exchanging tips, pet care and services. Coop members meet quarterly to enhance/maintain communication and community spirit.